Whether you’re a non-native student writing a thesis or publishing an article, or a native professional who wants to make sure their t’s are crossed and i’s dotted, Tessier Translations can be that second pair of eyes to make sure that your document is the best it can be.
For non-native speakers, it can be tough to draft a long academic or professional document in English. It’s all too easy for your writing to adopt the sentence structure and vocabulary of your native language, making it difficult to get your message across.
For native speakers, staring at a screen all day long can easily lead to errors in what needs to be a flawless document. Or perhaps you just need some help writing a text which is clear, concise and audience-appropriate.
Why not get in touch and make the most of Tessier Translations' proofreading services?
Make sure your translation is accurate, target audience-appropriate and grammatically sound with bilingual proofreading services from Tessier Translations. With an eagle eye, I can provide a fresh outlook on the target text, picking out those misspellings or translation errors which may have been previously overlooked.